Chapter 4: Week 44 progress

Hey Homies,

I've been under the weather this past week and I didn't get a lot of time to work on the game. However, I actually was way farther along in Scene 1 than I thought I was!  I still need to organize everything into its proper place, but I'm actually nearly finished with Scene 1.  So Yay!  Also, even though I wasn't able to fully finish Scene 3, it's still only a handful of renders away from completion, so I'm not worried about it anymore.  Well... the scene's coding may still need a lot of work once I'm able to start testing, but that's a problem for later. 

Anyway, I'm still pretty out of it right now so I won't make this a long report, but I want you all to know that I'm still VERY HOPEFUL about the first half of the chapter releasing in December.  Even at my currently reduced pace, I'm confident that I can wrap this half up in time.

That's all for this week!
Much love!

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Yeah, like everyone else says take your time. From what I know you are working on this alone so it's completely fair to slack off my friend, especially when sick. Rest up and get some you time in, Have a good day/night.


Take your time your health comes first no need in pushing yourself because in the end you only neglecting yourself and then you add more time in the end project I know I can wait a little longer, As the song says don't worry be happy


Aww sorry to hear you are under the weather- hope you feel better soon.

Good luck with making the game and will be playing the game real soon!!