The Last Chapter 4 Progress Report!

Mother's day 2023

Hey all,

I'm sorry for the lack of a progress image this week. I didn't see much of a need for it at this stage of development. So instead, here's an old Subscribers Only render from Mother's Day 2023!  (The NSFW versions of this series were pretty spicy, btw...)

Sadly, I've had another long and busy week with some of the other things in my life but still, I'm literally diving across the 'Chapter 4' finish line! The only things I have left to do are finish locking in a few music choices, fix (or ignore) a tiny pacing issue during one of the training day routes, and edit a handful of images and SFX that slipped through the cracks along the way.

This update will start rolling out within the next couple of days so keep your eyes peeled for those update posts!

I'm eternally grateful for everyone's patience and I can't wait for you all to jump back into the story!
Much love!

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Sorry to ask but what is the release schedule for paid members on here in comparison to your patreon schedule?  Asking as I've seen Chapter 4 Part 2 has now been released on Patreon

I'm so sorry! I was supposed to release it yesterday on Itch, but I completely forgot that I needed to request more space for my new update.  I'm awaiting approval right now and will upload it here as soon as possible!

Thanks Jabbonk...all good, appreciate you replying

Any update Jabbonk?

Sadly, it turns out that I've reached the storage limit allowed on Itch, so I'll have to make a slightly more condensed version that I hope to upload later tonight, if not early tomorrow!