Chapter 5: Week 27 Progress

Hey all,

I dove back into s5 this week, and although it was a pain, I got a lot of the heavy lifting done to make the scene crafting much quicker. To clarify, this is a scene that needs a lot of background characters that would usually slow down my PC a lot. In the end, I didn't have any other options besides making a ton of customized character cutouts and trying to match the lighting and angles so that I didn't have dozens of actual characters on screen at once. The results turned out pretty damn good, especially since you'll surely be too distracted by the action to notice/care about any possible flaws in the backgrounds. 

Sadly, creating all those custom cutouts took a long ass time. I've only ever done it once before and that was as a test for a single character. It's not all that complicated of a process, but I had to plan ahead for whatever the scene's main focus would require. Still, I'm happy with the results so far and now I should (mostly) only need to worry about the complicated custom poses I need for the main cast.

Alright, that's all for this week. 
I hope you all stay safe!
Much love!

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