Chapter 5: Week 31 Progress

Hey everyone,

I can't believe it's already been another week. Time doesn't seem to work the same after the pandemic... Well, at least the seemingly short time wasn't wasted. 

I finished 2 animations this week, along with another large chunk of script and code, leaving scene 5 nearly finished. I should only have another handful of animations and renders (best estimate 2-4 animations/20-30 renders). If I can lock tf in, I might be able to wrap the rest of s5 this week, but knowing me, that may be a little too optimistic.

We're getting pretty close to the home stretch for this release. It's still far too early to give any kind of time estimate, but I feel like I can finally see the finish line on the distant horizon. I'm extremely anxious to get this new content out to everyone. Believe me, nothing annoys me more than not being able to realize my vision faster. I'm so grateful for everyone's support and hope the final product doesn't disappoint! 

Much love!

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